Canadian Business Immigration
that fosters economic growth through entrepreneurship and innovation

KL Startup Central offers industry-leading technology advisory and development to immigrant entrepreneurs with an idea for a business they seek to launch in Canada under the Federal Startup Visa program.

Startup Visa Canada

What we do

We help business owners, professionals, and immigrant entrepreneurs develop the technology to launch, build, and expand a business in Canada under the Federal Startup Visa program.

Startup central provides industry-leading support for businesses seeking to develop a tech component or concept for their new Canadian startup.

Our tech platforms offer access to app development, prototype design and build, and advanced website design. In addition, our services include self-paced tech incubation and accelerator programs focused on the innovation in your startup and the specific needs of harnessing that innovation through the development of the tech component.

We provide access to our network of technology professionals and service providers who work with you to bring that technology component of your startup to life and helping you you launch a successful and innovative Canadian business.


Areas we can help with:

Startup Central develops technology components in innovative new Canadian startups

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Our Partners

The KL Startup Central platform is a technology ecosystem made up of industry-leading professionals who work as a network supporting the needs of innovative entrepreneurs.